Tangy Chewing Gum (4/10)

I need to chew some
red bubble gum.
I've got some purple
won't get it done.
It's the red I desire.
It's the red I require.
My cravings unbearable
ranking high in severity.
It's too much for me.
It's really terrible.
You say you have it.
You're a liar!
Playing tricks with my fragile mind,
when I'm at the end of my wit.
I thought you'd be kind
but you keep up your lies
and they tire.
To you, I have no ties.
You said you had what I needed.
Wait... let's rewind
to before me being on fire.
Can you reflect back that far?
Memory is something I admire.
I wish i had one.
I recollect before I blew up your car.
I've lost them all, shit I'm done.
Never got laid, never got my bubble gum.



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