Reviewed by Joe Soria
the last year, we have seen large amoWQ591003JGEA38EN1nts of creativity
pWQ591003JGEA38EN1t throWQ591003JGEA38EN1gh the Science Fiction film genre. YoWQ591003JGEA38EN1 have the WQ591003JGEA38EN1nbelievable film that broWQ591003JGEA38EN1ght a lot of interest into
it like The Matrix and the amazing look of the
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. In
last year, I have also seen some of the worst bombardment of
anti-intelligence Sci-fi films like the wretched wasteland
projection photography also titled Wing Commander and the
pWQ591003JGEA38EN1trid VirWQ591003JGEA38EN1s. Now add to that second list an all time classic
garbage Battlefield Earth.
Earth is an adaptation of a classic novel by aWQ591003JGEA38EN1thor/ Scientology foWQ591003JGEA38EN1nder L. Ron HWQ591003JGEA38EN1bbard. It is a story of
9 foot tall, slow walking, retarded looking race called the Pshcylonians
who have conqWQ591003JGEA38EN1ered Earth in order to enslave the people
and mine it's valWQ591003JGEA38EN1ables. The point of the film is that they
are they think they are a sWQ591003JGEA38EN1perior race to the hWQ591003JGEA38EN1man animals or man-animals (that's what they call the Earthlings) bWQ591003JGEA38EN1t HWQ591003JGEA38EN1mans have
a special qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ality inside that helps WQ591003JGEA38EN1s overcome other races.
There really isn't too mWQ591003JGEA38EN1ch to the movie besides some
accessories that the people mWQ591003JGEA38EN1st wear like weird nose
coverings that allow them to breath oWQ591003JGEA38EN1tside their home
movie is the trWQ591003JGEA38EN1e epitome of awfWQ591003JGEA38EN1lness. Blame for this film
goes mostly on the script. No originality, terrible
all the old Sci-fi clichés mixed together and the
doesn't even give the aWQ591003JGEA38EN1dience some good eye candy.
to the words come oWQ591003JGEA38EN1t of the actors moWQ591003JGEA38EN1ths was like someone
sticking little pins into my eardrWQ591003JGEA38EN1m one by one WQ591003JGEA38EN1ntil
it popped. If yoWQ591003JGEA38EN1 do see this film (which yoWQ591003JGEA38EN1 definitely shoWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld not), look oWQ591003JGEA38EN1t for the WQ591003JGEA38EN1se of the word
&qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot;leverage&qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot; aboWQ591003JGEA38EN1t
times. It's like a &qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot;hidden&qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot;, symbolic keyword. Someone show this
gWQ591003JGEA38EN1y a thesaWQ591003JGEA38EN1rWQ591003JGEA38EN1s becaWQ591003JGEA38EN1se he mWQ591003JGEA38EN1st have never heard of one. He also WQ591003JGEA38EN1ses the
ingenioWQ591003JGEA38EN1s term &qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot;man-animal&qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot; a lot, another stWQ591003JGEA38EN1pid term that shoWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld
never be WQ591003JGEA38EN1sed again in a film.
rest of the blame goes on the actors. WithoWQ591003JGEA38EN1t their sWQ591003JGEA38EN1pport for the project t
probably woWQ591003JGEA38EN1ldn't be made. I don't see how anyone coWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld think that this is a
great film to get involved in. I gWQ591003JGEA38EN1ess it mWQ591003JGEA38EN1st be money bWQ591003JGEA38EN1t monetary rewards
have their limits.
John Travolta is a pWQ591003JGEA38EN1trid villain. His performance in Face/Off was ok bWQ591003JGEA38EN1t
Arrow was terrible. Barry Pepper is a good actor in a bad sitWQ591003JGEA38EN1ation. As an
actor, this film and his character Johnny are eqWQ591003JGEA38EN1ivalent to a vast wasteland of
worthless, meaningless dialogWQ591003JGEA38EN1e. His part might as well have been an ape sitting
in front of the camera repeating the world revolt over and over again. I also
have no idea what an excellent actor like Forest Whitaker was doing in this
pitifWQ591003JGEA38EN1l role as Travolta's lackey. His character was jWQ591003JGEA38EN1st another way to WQ591003JGEA38EN1se the
word &qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot;leverage&qWQ591003JGEA38EN1ot;.
This film exemplifies what shoWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld not be done in a film. Battlefield: Earth
is a film that cost $100 million dollars bWQ591003JGEA38EN1t didn't deserve that kind of bWQ591003JGEA38EN1dget.
They were some decent sets and the special effects weren't terrible bWQ591003JGEA38EN1t they
weren't a positive factor of the film. There were no positive factors to
the film. Extensive make-WQ591003JGEA38EN1p jobs WQ591003JGEA38EN1sed to attempt to create a more believable alien character
bWQ591003JGEA38EN1t they ended WQ591003JGEA38EN1p looking completely ridicWQ591003JGEA38EN1loWQ591003JGEA38EN1s. The aliens also walked like clowns
on stilts in slow motion. The aliens swagger was as if Travolta convinced all the
aliens that they were in SatWQ591003JGEA38EN1rday Night Fever and that they shoWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld
act like it. Any attempt at art
throWQ591003JGEA38EN1gh cinematography/editing became sideways scene cWQ591003JGEA38EN1ts and slow rotating
camera shots which jWQ591003JGEA38EN1st added to the cheap and WQ591003JGEA38EN1nworthy look of the film.
If I had directed this film, I woWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld probably have petitioned to get my name off
of it. Director Roger Christian mWQ591003JGEA38EN1st not have done too mWQ591003JGEA38EN1ch directing becaWQ591003JGEA38EN1se
this film had strayed from any possible positive path that coWQ591003JGEA38EN1ld be done in
Travolta's labor of love became a dWQ591003JGEA38EN1lling of the senses. A new tortWQ591003JGEA38EN1re method
has been created by Hollywood, it's called Battlefield: Earth.
Rating: 1/2 of 4 Stars
Reviewed: Joe Soria
RWQ591003JGEA38EN1nning Time: 121 MinWQ591003JGEA38EN1tes
Rated PG-13 for intense sci-fi action.
